Contact us!

Based on the individual requirements of your company, we prepare your data analysis in such a way that all users can work with the solution as uncomplicatedly and quickly as possible. To achieve this, we spare no effort - and innovative approaches.

You no longer have to search for information, but can see it visualized in a meaningful way with just a few clicks. With the help of user-friendly and intelligent data analytics software, our experts prepare your data in such a way that the flow of information is improved at all levels in the company. Make the right decisions, gain deep insights into your company and make the right predictions - break new ground in data analysis together with us!

Qlik Logo

We offer in the area of data analytics:

  • Targeted definition of your requirements
  • Establishment of flexible and automatic reporting
  • Convenient integration into your existing IT
  • Tool-independent consulting
  • Consolidation and visualization of relevant data

Request our InfoPaper "Tableau, Qlik or Power BI? Which is the right data analytics tool for you?" and find the right data analytics tool for your company!

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Our Data Analytics workshops

Use Case Ideation Workshop

In our Use Case Ideation Workshop, we take a closer look at your challenges & data. Our data experts make an initial inventory of what data is already available in your company, where and in what quality. Based on this analysis, we work with you to develop the first possible use cases for your department or company that will quickly create added value.

Business Intelligence 1X1

Learn in our Business Intelligence 1X1 fast and compressed how to implement your own evaluations, visualizations and analyses adapted to your individual requirements in the company.

Data Prototype Workshop

In our Data Prototype Workshop, we work with you to create initial prototypes for data solutions in your company. After identifying suitable and profitable use cases, we work with your employees to set up the first applications that fit your individual data roadmap.

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Contact us!

"Data analytics has such an incredibly broad spectrum of solutions - I am surprised every time by how individually our projects run and how different the requirements are with increasingly complex data architectures. From simple reporting and visualization to self-service BI, advanced analytics or data warehouse automation, all the way to an all-in-one, intelligent cloud analytics platform. And all these projects have a huge impact on our customers' performance."


Write! Logo

We want to make your data analysis as convenient and flexible as possible. With our extension Write! you can edit, create and write back data directly in Qlik.

What our customers say

Simon Picard

Business Digital Office (Business Enabling) (XC/BDO-BE), Robert Bosch GmbH

"As part of our project with INFORM DataLab, we will be able to process and analyze an incredible 188PB in the future. In the process, the amount of data is constantly growing."

Patrick Lowski

Senior Referent Commercial und Co-Project Leader Controlling2.0@CLH, Lufthansa CityLine GmbH

"In the past, when we did our monthly Fore-cast, the controllers were busy for up to 1.5 days per department. Today, the plan version is created within two hours and everyone only has to incorporate their changes.

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January 23, 2023

August 18, 2022

April 25, 2022


Pascalstr. 51, 52076 Aachen, Germany

+49 (0) 2408 704820


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